States are used by the planner to determine of a set of actions can be used to achieve a goal. The term states covers goal, effects and preconditions.


Key and value. Where the key can be a precondition or an effect.

For example, there can be a precondition of Key: HasAxe Value: 1 to use the action CutTree


The goal is set in the inspector on the Agent class. You can choose a goal to be once or not. The priority is as it says. You may have multiple goals and they can all be achieved. The planner will choose the one with higher priority and that will determine which set of actions the agent will use.

A goal is essentially the desired effect or state to be in. Every action is built to achieve a goal. Not all actions directly take you to the goal. For example, the GoTo action effect will often time allow the agent to get in range to perform another action, that action effect may or may not achieve the goal.

For example GoTo → Attack, where the GoTo effect is to be InRange and the Attack effect is to HurtTarget so the goal here is HurtTarget

<aside> 💡 Goals should not take too long to achieve and should be achievable


World State

The world state is a blackboard for all Agents to share. A state in the world is persistent and can satisfy an Agent's precondition.

This is useful if let's say you are making an office simulation. A world state can be the number of toilets available. The Action UseRestroom will have a precondition of Toilets > 1

// Adds a state called "StateName"
World.AddState("StateName, 1);
// Adds one to StateName
World.ModifyState("StateName, 1);
// Sets StateName to 100
World.SetState("StateName, 100);

<aside> 💡 A world state is one way for agents to communicate to each other, like the internet!


Agent State

An Agent's state is similar to the world state but it is only for the Agent. On either an Agent or an Action, accessing States is the same as the World State.

States.AddState("Tiredness", 1);
States.ModifyState("Tiredness", 1);
States.SetState("Tiredness", 1);