What is a Sensor?

A sensor is a Unity Component but it is more of a concept that is necessary to the GOAP system. You don't necessarily need to inherit Sensor but inheriting it will get access to the Agent.

Why Sensors?

Most the time actions may rely on other components, such as an Attack action needs a target and same goes to the GoTo. Most, if not all the time, the target will be the same. In this situation, an EyeSensor to set the target help decouple and keep the project maintainable.

Here's is an example of setting the target on the Agent and setting the state.

public class DirectTargetSensor : Sensor
        public Transform Target;

        public override void OnAwake()
            AgentData.Target = Target.transform;
            Agent.States.AddState("hasTarget", 1);

In the example above, the Agent already has a target in the Data, but let's say you are not using the that BasicAgentData pack. You can directly use the value of the sensor.

Say you have an action that requires to be InShootingRange.

public class RangeSensor : Sensor
		public float Range = 5;
		public override void OnAwake()

    private void Update()
			var distance = AgentData.DistanceToTarget;
			if(distance <= Range)
				Agent.States.SetState("InShootingRange", 1);

Here's the cool part, your actions can use the Range value from the sensor and you don't have random numbers assigned everywhere

public class GoTo : BasicAction
		public RangeSensor RangeSensor;

		public override EActionTask Perform()
			if(_agentData.DistanceToTarget <= RangeSensor.Range)
				return EActionStatus.Success;
			return EActionStatus.Running;

Combining Sensors and Actions